

Hunter and I have ideas, intentions and goals. Such goals. Picture this, skis. Snow? Well first off we go to propose this stuff… Our dream is to create a film about SNOW!!! We would start out with some opening establishing shots. The skate park covered in snow. Some kids ready to ride. Shred that gnarr gnarr rail. It going to be sick as fudge. We are hoping to use following cams and aerial shots. Maybe some shots from a cart? It would highlight some skills learned over the course of a month or so.

Documentary Film Analysis


Documentary Film Festival
Film Analysis: Particle Fever
BY: Mr. Hunter
Particle Fever is about a group of very intelligent human beings working on a project to hopefully discover the Higgs Boson particle. Many of them have long hair and unkempt, faint, facial hair. Throughout the documentary loud building music is used many times and horrible cheesy science jokes are told. It also goes into the background of the people working on the project and shows how they worked the entirety of their life on this project. Sadly the documentary does not explain what is actually going but instead depicts people’s emotions on the project. Major themes of this film are the Large Hadron Collider, and the background of theorists and experimentalists working on the project.
The quality of the film is good, but the acting and how the people are portrayed is not the best. Also the film is not organized that well and jumps around a fair bit. Some character development is used but it is brief and spotty at best. The idea of the film is amazing but if you are not interested in the topic the boring intro would make you quickly lose interest. All in all the strengths of the film are: Good Footage, Strong Concept, and the weaknesses are Characters not used to being filmed, jumps around, not super in-depth. People had mixed emotions on it, I know many enjoyed it because it was a great idea and was pretty cool in general, but there were some that did not enjoy it because they desired a more in-depth version that explained to the very roots what was going on. So this review is pretty NEUTRAL.




Before and After

Action Photography


A couple of classes ago… We went down to the turf and took action shots. We used a quick shutter speed, medium aperture, and auto ISO. The photos turned out a little blue though.


IMG_9448 - Copy

Long Exposure


We took my Nikon and set it on the bulb setting. We the held the button keeping the shutter open for a long time(30 seconds). We had a medium/small aperture and the ISO on auto, but it stayed around 400(the middle range).


Camera Obscura


The first camera ever made was the Camera Obscura. It was invented by a man named Alhazan. It is a small hole in a dark room that lets in light. The light then creates an inverted picture on the wall.obscura

Photo Editing


Alder Cone



Devils Club


Photo Edits from computer apps

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